"Into the Woods" - number 4 in a series of acrylic on aquabord, 6" x 6". Available on etsy. Shiver and quiver, little tree, Silver and gold throw down on me. I'm off to get my wish... From "Cinderella at the Grave", Into the Woods. Half way through the 30 day challenge and our journey through the forest! I am on the final layers of a piece begun during the demonstration last week, so while it dries I have begun a new forest of trees, with more to reveal in the coming days. Part of the madness and fun of this challenge is the sheer number of pieces in progress at all times. Currently there are seven in various stages. I work well this way, but wonder if maybe it is because I don't know any better? I'm reading the chapter in Tharp's book about skill. There was one sentence which jumped out and smacked me in the forehead: "Inexperience provides us with a childlike fearlessness...in its purest form, inexperience erases fear. You do not know what is and is not possible and therefore everything is possible." Wow. That's how I feel in my studio - everything is possible. The goal, says Tharp, quoting Hemingway, is "to become a master and in your old age to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing." I realize that's a lot of quoting, but these bits resonated with me so strongly as part of my own path, my own truth - it was like Tharp was in my own head. The book goes on to list an inventory of skills, with a focus on those needed by dancers. But I think some apply to most creative pursuits: perseverance, discipline, a sense of humor, political skill, partnering. The final item on the list is called "forever the child" - a sense of innocence. I really never thought of it as a skill before reading this book. The older I get, the more I want to capture and dwell in that space of childlike innocence and fearlessness. And that space is exactly what I'm finding so far along this adventure into the woods. So, dear reader, I invite you to join me in imagining what you would do if you believed anything were possible?
1/15/2017 10:39:16 am
Love the colors and textures. Love your quote, that is where I want to get to "childlike fearlessness".
1/15/2017 11:41:36 am
awwww thanks, Carol! Let's go to the land of childlike fearlessness together...
1/15/2017 04:37:55 pm
Jen, I am at a small meeting of some sort and you, as Into the Woods #4, are sitting across the gathered circle from me. As soon as the facilitated part of the meeting breaks up, I will make a beeline to you so I can strike up a conversation. I am attracted to your outward presentation—your color, your articulate energetic way of speaking, your sense of humor—and I sense so much beneath the surface that I want to explore.
1/15/2017 06:44:56 pm
Dotty!!!! I am delighted to be across the gathered circle, in whatever form it is. Thank you, sweet lady, for all your wonderful words, for taking the time to read my little blog and for looking at my art! You've made my day!!!
Patricia L. Brooks
1/17/2017 07:38:17 am
I think that you have found your sense of wonder and childlike fearlessness, Jen👍👍👍‼️‼️‼️You continue to create in state of wonder and magic which shines and EXPLODES💥💥💥through your work 👍👍👍💓👏🏻👏🏻‼️‼️‼️It has been such a DAILY pleasure to search for your creations and the FABULOUS blog that accompanies each piece🤗🤗🤗‼️‼️‼️I am just one of your many Happy Dancing fans💓💓💓🤗🤗🤗💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻‼️‼️‼️
1/17/2017 07:58:37 am
Pat! You always, ALWAYS make me smile and feel so accomplished!!!! Thank you, sweet artist for your constant enthusiasm and support!
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