There are games we prefer to play each year (25 Words or Less, Cards Against Humanity, Balderdash) and there is always a new game under the tree from Santa. This year, the new game was Exploding Kittens. Yep, that's right. Kittens that explode. It is as irreverent as Cards Against Humanity but more silly, more ridiculous and more likely to be repeated for days afterward. My husband and I are still calling "NOPE" on anything we don't want to do. My son is infatuated with a card featuring a cartoon baby owl smoking crack. Oh yes. It's that kind of a game. I know you're curious... satisfy your need to know by watching this video. What on earth does this have to do with Into the Woods, you might be wondering? Look at her... There are bugs on her dugs. There are flies in her eyes. There's a lump on her rump Big enough to be a hump- Well, let's just say there is mischief, limerick and malarkey, especially when you go into the woods.
1/4/2017 07:09:15 pm
The textural intrigue! I love INTO THE WOODS II—would love to know a bit about whatever malarkey and mischief went into your process here. Did you use a brayer? Mask the shapes of the trees? Very compelling. I'm delighting in your 30in30 entries each day.
1/4/2017 08:08:47 pm
Dotty! I am looking forward to your feedback every day! There is no brayer involved here. Many, many (up to a dozen!) layers of paint applied with various scrapers and sponges and towels and...well I can't give away ALL my secrets! The trees are masked, yes. I love the surprise when they are unmasked at the end. :)
1/5/2017 05:53:58 am
Jen, great to hear from you, and big points for spelling my name correctly with a Y : ) Leave a Reply. |
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