The grown folks here at my house went out for dinner at a local spot. Ocean breezes, aided by fans with misters, kept the outdoor seating comfortable as a local musician sang, played harmonica and guitar and took us for a trip down musical memory lane. Hubby and I compared lists of what bands and musicians we had seen live over our lifetimes. His list was worlds different than mine - suburban white girl music vs urban black kid decades ago. Yet as we mentally flipped through the collection of record albums (yep, old school vinyl), there were a few duplicates. Bob Scaggs for one. I saw him in high school at Blossom Music Center in Cleveland. And guess what? He is still touring. Check out his website here. So let's start your week with a little groove music - how about some Lowdown? You ain't got to be so bad, got to be so cold This dog eat dog existence sure is getting old Got to have a Jones for this Jones for that This runnin' with the Joneses, boy, just ain't where it's at, no, no And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)
Patricia L. Brooks
4/17/2017 12:16:28 pm
"Hazel" is charming in blue🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍‼️‼️‼️I agree with your assessment on the JOY shared in cyberspace, yesterday🎊🎉🎊‼️‼️‼️What a L💓VELY change from all of the political bantering and politician bashing😜😜😜‼️‼️‼️BOZ Scaggs was a TERRIFIC musical share for Monday👍👍👍🎼🎹🎼‼️‼️‼️The Beatles were the musical conversation breaker with my husband and I‼️He was a teen and I was in elementary school when the groups BLITZED the U.S.A. Airwaves; however, everyone under the age of 25 seemed to be taken with the groups "styling"👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤗🤗🤗‼️‼️‼️
4/17/2017 04:10:43 pm
Awww Pat thank you! And it was so refreshing yesterday! Thanks for enjoying a little Boz on a Monday. :) Another couple with musical connections and conversations! So, did your hubby every adopt a Beatles haircut???
4/17/2017 04:25:51 pm
Jen, I am enchanted by HAZEL!
4/17/2017 04:29:02 pm
Dotty! Thank you!!!!! I am delighted that Hazel sold within an hour of the blog post. Sometimes Mondays are enchanted! And yes....many times over! They are the most adorable kids. :)
Carol Edan
4/21/2017 01:14:31 am
Holidays are great, but good to get back to the regular routine of things. Love poor Hazel, so sad!!! Wonder why?
4/21/2017 07:54:17 am
awwww Carol! Hazel loves YOU! I think she is quietly watching...not sad, just watchful. Some days being an observer is good. Lately I've been observing my own reactions to others - just watching, not judging. It is an interesting exercise, filled with "AHA!" moments.
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