I'm a self-taught artist. While on the one hand, this makes me fiercely dedicated and determined, on the other hand it leaves me without a real root in art history. So I had no idea Henry Miller painted, or that he wrote a book about art.
But this quote...it is exactly what I do. I sneak up on whatever I painted the day before to see if it changed overnight. Most times, it has. Now I realize this is just my view of the piece changing with a little time and distance, but it is such an eye opener that it feels rife with magic. Some mornings I cannot wait to turn on the studio lights before even making my coffee, just to catch a glimpse of a painting caught unawares. This month, I am focused on "failed" paintings...those pieces piled up in the corner or under boxes because they just didn't sing. This little sweetheart was one of those. She sat for months in the corner, looking sad and awkward, finished but not right. It's kind of funny, because I paint versions of this piece often, so you'd think I always get it right. But no, these characters have minds of their own, and this one was crazy stubborn. Until she wasn't. I am so delighted she decided to sweeten up and embrace the paint. I will be stealing looks at this one for awhile.:)
1/9/2018 08:26:02 am
Jen, I identify with much of what you write here—the sneak peeks, the self-taught, the without-a-real-root-in-art-history, the overnight change in lens.
1/9/2018 08:50:19 am
Dotty! We are kindred spirits. Do you have scribbly hair, too? Mine often is...
Moss Mahony
1/9/2018 09:19:34 am
Jen, are you sure that some Irish Fairies haven't followed you from Listowel and are changing your paintings over night? You did get close to a Fairy Fort on your trip. I'm just saying and I don't want you to worry too much about it. Maybe you should do a Fairy painting just to please them.
1/9/2018 09:39:33 am
Moss! Brilliant! That must be it! My luggage was a little heavy...those imps must have snuck in. There may very well be fairy art in my future!
Carol Edan
1/9/2018 10:58:28 am
Just today in class Reuven had a group critique walking among the works in progress with all of us following. One of the main reasons was just that... to get away from the painting in order to get a fresher look and perhaps a new approach. Maybe it is the fairy that rook a ride in your luggage, or the fairies in our eyes. Love this little piece, the repetition of the arcs in her skirt and arms, and its opposite swing of the hair. Gorgeous dress!
1/9/2018 11:09:50 am
Carol! I love when the universe repeats a message to us...I am hearing all about fresh eyes this week. :) And thank you, these dresses...if only they were for real people!!!
1/9/2018 12:18:05 pm
Risa! You rare bird...how did I know you would defy the odds like that?
Wendy Jones
1/9/2018 02:21:37 pm
Jen - uou have a way with words - you are a writer as well as an artist
1/9/2018 06:19:28 pm
Oh Wendy! Thank you so much! They seem to go hand in hand as part of my creative process....
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